Saturday, March 13, 2010

loving siddhartha

when i was a teenager, i read the novel siddhartha from hermann hesse!
this story has open so much my mind, influenced my following life up of now...
my pa was a catholic, my mom a protestant and they was forced when they married that there children's has to be catholic...
sometimes when in my childhood time my mom ask me that i company her in her church so that she hadn't to go alone, my pa had also sometimes work shift on sunday...
a klassmate has see this and told that to our catholic pastor, so at the next religion lesson in school, the pastor ask me after the lesson, where i have been last sunday?
i told him, that i was in the church...
he said that he not see me there...
so i told him that i have accompany my mom in her church...
he was mad, said i'm not aloud to go in the protestant church...
i ask him why??
he said that i'm a catholic...
and?? im also a christ and protestant are christ too and that i respect my mom...
the pastor got now very mad and shout, that i have to follow what he said...
i shout back, that he shall show me in the bible whee it stand that i can not accompany my mom in her church..but that there stand that i have to respect my parents....
my pastor got wild, said that he don't like to disscuss that with me and that i have to tell my parents that he will visit them tomorrow eve...
i have inform my parents about this dispute which i had with the pastor and my pa just said let him come...
the following eve the pastor come to our apartment and my pa ask him what is the purpose of his visit?
it's about your son frank, he was last sunday in the protestant church...
my pa asked now the pastor if i always visit the religion lessons?
also the obligated lesson and masses in the church which are fixed for the first communion??
so where is then the problem my pa ask??
he has not to go in the protestant church my pastor said...
so, and please than show me where it is written in your bibel that it is forbidden my pa said...
now the pastor got loud, i forbidden it to him he shout...
my pa stand now up and said, i never will forbidden my son to accompany his mom in her church because i respect all religion and specially my wife and here my apartment has a door for come in but also to get out, and if you are not going out right now i will punch you out...
the pastor get very red, just saying nothing anymore and run out the house...
i have after quit by him at the next religion lesson, that i will not be longer a catholic member...

after i have read the story of siddhartha from hermann hesse, it has touched my heart and i had the wish that i will go to india when i'm finished my study, to see and learn more about buddhism...
and so it comes that i have saved money after i finished my study and start to work as architect and have prepared a vw-bus and was traveled with a friend when i was 23 overland to india and nepal...
later i have continue this travel, also to thailand and japan
and when i look now back my 64 years i must say, that for me buddhism is still the religion i can accept, if i just look on the history on some religious groups i must say that for me still buddhism is the most peaceful of all, i like how they respect others and also the nature...
i hope and wish that i can be a little bit like siddhartha and even more like the ferryman


john luis said...

every one of us need something to believe on. Yes I understand what you feel because of your childhood experience but we don't have to me a conclusion with out thinking that Christianity is big. there are many religion claim to be Christians but they are not truly Christians

john luis said...

Dad i think the reason why your are confused about your past religions is that because you see that you being pressed on something you don't like. seems like you are doing not according to your will, but I also read about Buddhism remember the book you gave me? I also understand that Buddhism is more in philosophy and that everything has its on purpose which us catholic your pass religion is more on punishing and law.
I see your point but I also have answer with it. there are many question according to some of your confusion but there are also answer when your are welling to open your heart and forget the past. The Bible is also like the book of Buddha but the different is Bible is book of guidance and instruction which most people used it to scare people which is bad and book of Buddha is a book of philosophy. I hate those religions who pretend to be a Christians who used their power to manipulate people to follow them instead to teach people to be like Christ who make him self as an example. the problem is people just believe in their priest or pastor instead of reading Bible alone and study it. I study my bible and that helps me to understand what i believe. now I am happy that i am more free than those people think they are holly. i was a catholic also before but when i start read my bible i now understand more what real christian is. now I am a baptist and I believe in God and I believe in Jesus and I hate unfairness.
I have questions
1. Before when you was teenager do you gave chance to read your bible instead believing always in the catholic priest?
2. I know you believe in re incarnation but do you not read or believe that there is Jesus that die in behalf of your self?
there are many question in our mind but when we just gave change to read and learn the bible we will understand what real christian is all about.
make the past as a guide to learn and discover things not make it as trauma.
love to talk to you in this matter.... but i understand and respect what you believe. real christian respect heheheheheh